BC Cancer Registry Annual Report

Chapter 9 Appendix II: Other materials

9.1 Abbreviations

AAPC Annual average percent change
AC Adenocarcinoma
APC Annual percent change
BC British Columbia
BCC BC Cancer
BCCR British Columbia Cancer Registry
CanIMPACT Canadian Team to Improve Community Based Cancer Care Along the Continuum
CBPHC Community-based primary health care
HPV FOCAL HPV for Cervical Cancer (FOCAL) Trial
HPV Human Papilloma Virus
MOH Ministry of Health
NAACCR North American Association of the Central Cancer Registries
PBDE Polybrominated diphenyl ethers
PHSA Provincial Health Services Authority
PSA Prostate specific antigen
SC Squamous cell
SEER Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results
UK United Kingdom
US United States
WHO World Health Organization

9.2 Glossary

Average Annual Percent Change (AAPC)

The AAPC is a summary measure presented as a percent that describes, on average, how much the trend in incidence rates changed year to year over a given period of interest.

Cancer Incidence

The number of new cases of a given type of cancer diagnosed in a specified time period. The basic unit of reporting is a new case of cancer rather than an individual patient.

Cancer Incidence Rate

The number of new cases of a given type of cancer per person in the general population (usually expressed as a rate per 100,000 people).

Cancer Mortality

The number of deaths attributed to a particular type of cancer in a given time period.  Included are deaths of patients diagnosed in earlier years, persons with a new diagnosis during the year who died, and patients for whom a diagnosis of cancer is made only after death.

Cancer Mortality Rate

The number of new deaths of a given type of cancer per person in the general population (usually expressed as a rate per 100,000 people).


The change in the rate of new cancer cases or deaths in the population over time.

9.3 Cancer site definitions

Table 9.1 below provides the specific definitions used for the various cancers reported within this report. The definitions for each cancer are based on the ICDO-3 site (topography) and histology (morphology) codes and are provided in the right-hand column of Table A2. In this report we include invasive cancers only with the exception of bladder cancer which includes both invasive and in situ cases.

Table 9.1: Cancer groupings and site definitions.
Cancer ICD-O-3 Site/Type (incidence)
Bladder (including in situ) C67
Body of Uterus C54-C55
Brain C70-C72
Breast C50
Cervix C53
Colorectal C18-C20, C26.0
Esophagus C15
Kidney C64.9, C65.9
Hodgkin Lymphoma Type 9650-9667
Larynx C32
Leukemia Type 9733, 9742, 9800-9801, 9805-9809, 9820, 9826, 9831-9836, 9840, 9860-9861, 9863, 9865-9867, 9869-9876, 9891, 9895-9898, 9910, 9911, 9920, 9930-9931, 9940, 9945-9946, 9948, 9963-9964 Type 9811-9818, 9823, 9827, 9837 sites C42.0,.1,.4
Liver C22
Lung C34
Melanoma C44 (Type 8720-8790)
Multiple Myeloma Type 9731-9732, 9734
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Type 9590-9597, 9670-9719, 9724-9729, 9735, 9737, 9738 Type 9811-9818, 9823, 9827, 9837 all sites except C42.0,.1,.4
Oral C00-C14
Ovary C56.9
Pancreas C25
Prostate C61.9
Stomach C16
Thyroid C73.9
All Other Cancers All other cancer types not identified above
All Cancers All invasive sites (including in situ bladder)

Non-melanoma skin cancers are not including in any of the above cancer types as these are not routinely registered in Canada at this time.

ICD-O-3 refers to the International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, Third Edition and ICD-10 refers to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision.

For more information about site groupings used in this report, please contact the BC Cancer Registry using the contact information provided in this report.

9.4 Acknowledgements

The BC Cancer Registry would like to acknowledge the commitment of the many health care professionals who continue to provide active support to the Registry. We would also like to acknowledge the Vital Statistics Agency of British Columbia for their ongoing support in providing mortality information to the BC Cancer Registry. We would further like to acknowledge the BC Ministry of Health for their support in coordinating access to cancer patient information to support improved cancer registration in our province.

9.5 Contact information

If you would like more information about the BC Cancer Registry and any of our activities, please feel free to contact us. Additionally, if you have any questions or feedback on this report we would be happy to hear from you.

Jonathan Simkin
Scientific Director, BC Cancer Registry
BC Cancer
Provincial Health Services Authority
2nd floor 601 W Broadway Vancouver, BC V5Z 4C2, Canada

BC Cancer Registry Annual Report